Dear Friends and Members of Shepherd of the Hills,


It has been a full and wonderful start to the summer here at the church.  Celebrating confirmations, gathering in fellowship, raising money, taking the kids to confirmation camp have all made this summer just fly by. 


Do not worry though, the fun isn’t over.  In just a few weeks (July 10th-14th) we will be deep into Vacation Bible School. There are a number of reasons we do vacation Bible School here at Shepherd of the Hills. First, it is an opportunity to serve the families of our church and community.  We are really good at Vacation Bible School here at SHLC. It starts with Rebecca’s leadership and the VBS team she works with to get everything going.  It continues with you all as volunteers and leaders taking the time to grow together and create that safe, fun space for kids to learn about Jesus.  It takes a small army of supporters who help provide snacks and everything else that’s necessary.  It requires prayer.  Our prayer team has been praying for this event all year asking the Lord to prepare our church to serve and to prepare the kids to receive Jesus. 


Second, we are blessed by those who choose to entrust to us their kids.  It is such an honor to be given that responsibility and to be part of their family in this way.  Those little ones bless us more than we are a blessing to them.  They fill my spirit and exude joy.  I am so thankful for each family that is a part of our community for that week.  Because of that, we take the safety of those kids very seriously.  In our training session we will refresh on how best to do that good work.


Third, the joy of the Lord and His Word are proclaimed.  This is what we do as a church.  This is our mission.  This is our task.  Lots of places will entertain kids and keep them safe this summer.  We are the place where Jesus is preached and families become connected to the this saving Word.  Some of them have a church home and know the gospel.  Some of them know the gospel but don’t have a church home. Some of them have neither.  We will share full heartedly this pure Gospel as we know it from God’s Word with all people.  We will share it in the words we speak, the songs we sing, and the respect and love shown to all who participate in VBS, kids and volunteers. 


Thank you for being part of this wonderful week.  I look forward to spending that time with you all as we are nourished by God’s Living Water. I’ll see you this Friday the 30th at 9AM as we do our training.  The number one reason kids attend VBS is because one of our congregation members invited them and their family to come.  So, be on the look out for who God is guiding you to invite. 


In His Love and Service,

Pastor Rust