Highlights from Vacation Bible School

On July 10-14, Shepherd of the Hills held a special Vacation Bible School called "God's Living Water: Covered in Jesus' Grace." This VBS examined God's plan of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Each session of this VBS explored the way one Bible account uses water to remind us of our need to be in a saving relationship with God our Creator through His Son, Jesus Christ. 

We had a lot of fun lessons, music, crafts, snacks, and activities to learn how the Good News of Jesus Christ satisfies our thirsty souls and fills us with love to serve our neighbors' need to the glory of God our Father.


Wolf Family Missionaries at SHLC!  As a special treat on Tuesday, July 11, during VBS week, the Wolf family from Nairobi, Kenya, shared their mission experiences and projects at the VBS day closing service.  During lunch, John shared more on continuing Lutheran ministries in Africa.  
