Lenten and Easter Services 2024


February 28th: God's Will and My Dreams

Join us for the Thy Will Be Done special service for Week 2 of Lent. In this service we remember that, anointed by God to rule in Judah, King David followed God’s will to shepherd his people, but often failed to live up to God’s dream for him. We welcome the Good Shepherd into our lives who fulfills God’s dream perfectly to gather his wandering sheep into the sheepfold of heaven.


March 6th:  God's Will and My Identity
Join us for the Thy Will Be Done special service for Week 3 of Lent. In this service we remember that, in humility, Mary dutifully accepted the role God had given her to become the mother of our Savior. That Son would later accept his role, faithfully following the path his Father had in mind for him to save us all.

March 13th: God's Will and My Worldview
Join us for the Thy Will Be Done special service for Week 4 of Lent. In this service we remember that, on the road to Damascus, Paul had his worldview turned upside down when God called him to preach the name of the Christ he had been persecuting. We follow God’s will by putting the crucified Christ at the center of our worldview.

March 20th: God's Will and My Response

Join us for the Thy Will Be Done special service for Week 5 of Lent. In this service we remember that Lydia followed the will of God by responding in faith and hospitality when the Gospel message of Christ’s sacrifice was preached to her. We follow the will of God by responding in love and service to one another in return for what Christ has done for us.

Palm Sunday, March 24th:

Join us for the Thy Will Be Done special service for Palm Sunday. In this service we remember that we are not always willing to do what God asks of us, but in his Palm Sunday entry into Jerusalem, Christ reveals to us that even tough roads are worth traversing for the good of the Kingdom.

Maundy Thursday Service, March 28th:

Join us for the Thy Will Be Done special service for Maundy Thursday. In this service we remember that Christ asks his disciples to wash one another’s feet, as he has washed theirs, for the joy that was set before him. Serving one another with joy is a tribute to him who is the Servant of All.

Good Friday Service, March 29th:

Join us for the Thy Will Be Done special service for Good Friday. In this service we remember that on the cross Christ followed through with the will of God, crying out, “It is finished” as he breathed his last. This ultimate sacrifice serves as a model to look at our lives as a holy sacrifice to him.

Easter Sunday, March 31st:

Join us for the Thy Will Be Done special service for Easter Sunday. In this service we remember that when Christ rose from the tomb, he opened the door to a new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. God’s will for us as Easter people is to fix our eyes on the new creation of perfect paradise prepared for us in heaven. 
